SAEB & Work-Streams

Structure of the Safeguarding Adults Executive Board

The Care Act states that the Board should include the Local Authority, the NHS and the Police and that these organisations should meet on a regular basis to discuss and act on local safeguarding issues. The Safeguarding Adults Executive Board includes representatives from all these partner organisations. Formal Strategic Safeguarding Adults Board meetings are held on a quarterly basis throughout the year to discuss local safeguarding issues.

There are four established subgroups: 

  • Safeguarding Adults Case Review Group
  • Quality Assurance Subgroup
  • Community Engagement Group
  • Learning and Development Subgroup

The subgroups undertake directed work relating to the business plan and strategy of the Board, however much additional work in supporting the boards objectives will be undertaken by multiagency task and finish groups as the need arises. The subgroups also meet on a quarterly basis and report on activity and any arising themes directly to the Board and its partners

Making Safeguarding Personal is a core objective of the Safeguarding Adults Executive Board. This ensures that there is an open and transparent culture so that the board listens to the voices of people in need of support and services and their families and responds. 

In the structure chart you will note that in addition to the 4 subgroups, we have 2 groups led by ‘users by experience’ and residents of the Bi-borough as ‘Safeguarding is Everyone’s Business’

  • The Local Account Group
  • Safeguarding Ambassadors

These groups lead on our Community Engagement Prevention Agenda and all resources produced by the Board.

This year we also launched our BME Safeguarding Network made up of 18 local voluntary sector organisations which promote culturally competent safeguarding within our diverse communities and protecting them from abuse and neglect.

Work Streams