Welcome to the SAEB Learning Programme
Our programme is designed to accommodate different learning styles, using a mixed approach to ensure that everyone can benefit from our resources. This section contains our online safeguarding training events and continuous professional development resources from the SAEB and other partner agencies. We are committed to creating a culture of learning and improvement, with a skilled, competent, and confident workforce capable of responding to situations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. This suite is available to all professionals, voluntary sector organisations and residents, and are designed to complement the training provided by individual agencies.
Elder Abuse
Abuse can happen to any older person, by a loved one, a hired caregiver, or a stranger. Abuse can happen at home, at a relative’s home, or in an eldercare facility
Spotting the Signs of Elder Abuse
You may see signs of abuse or neglect when you visit an older adult at home or in a residential facility. An older person might be a victim of abuse if they:
- Become withdrawn or act agitated or violent
- Display signs of trauma such as rocking back and forth
- Have unexplained pressure marks, bruises, burns, cuts, or scars
- Develop preventable conditions such as bedsores (open sores that can develop when a person stays in one position for a long time, such as being confined to a bed)
- Have hazardous, unsafe, or unclean living conditions
- Look messy, with unwashed hair, dirty clothes, or poor dental hygiene
- Lack personal health care items such as glasses, a walker, dentures, or hearing aid
- Have sudden and unexpected financial losses or unpaid bills despite having adequate financial resources
This training, presented by London Fire Brigade Station Commander Paul Anstey focusses on raising awareness about fire risks in the home. The aim is to educate the care community on the characteristics and behaviours that increase fire risk for vulnerable individuals and the actions they can take to reduce that risk
Our colleagues in the LSCP deliver a range of safeguarding children workshops (eLearning, online and face to face) which are open to practitioners who work with adults in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster. Whilst these course are designed primarily for practitioners working with children, from a Think Family approach in line with thinking about the needs of the family holistically, many of these courses are relevant to those working with adults who may be parents or have caring responsibilities for children.
This free training is delivered by our partners in the Community Safety Partnership and is available to professionals who work in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster City Council. The training is open to all voluntary and statutory partners. The organisers reserve the right to cancel places if you do not work in the Bi-Borough. If you are unsure whether you should attend, please contact the Bi-Borough Modern Slavery and Exploitation Coordinator, Charlotte Jamieson at [email protected]
Modern slavery affects millions of people worldwide and thousands of people are being exploited in the UK. By recognising the indicators of modern slavery and understanding how to respond, you can support some of the most vulnerable people in our communities and help prevent the crime from happening.
Learning outcomes:
- Understanding the definition of modern slavery and human trafficking
- Looking at the different types of exploitation
- Recognising the signs to identify individuals who are at risk/are being exploited
- Examining relevant legislation, such as the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the National Referral Mechanism
- Exploring barriers that prevent victims/survivors disclosing exploitation
- Understanding how to respond when we identify potential victims/survivors
The training will be delivered via MS Teams. To ensure the training is accessible please contact Charlotte Jamieson before the course if you would benefit from any adjustments being made. Additionally please make contact beforehand if you have concerns related to discussing modern slavery in a learning environment.
Please register your place via Eventbrite.
This resource has been designed to assist professionals and practitioners who will be interacting with victims of scams, this includes but is not limited to; social workers community nurses, volunteers and befrienders.
This learning event focuses on learning about working with young adults experiencing poor mental health. The Safeguarding Adults Case Review Group have recently considered two cases, one of which is being taken forward as a discretionary Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR). This event includes a review of the themes within these cases – referred to as ‘Danielle’ and ‘Erica’ (not their real names). These cases include learning around challenges and good practice in working with complex mental health, including responses to escalation in mental health presentations, the impact of childhood trauma, understanding barriers to engagement and multi-agency responses in managing risk.
Please click on the link below to access the recording.
SAEB learning event – working and learning from complex mental health cases
The SAEB has developed a programme of multi-agency brief bite webinars to raise awareness of a range of safeguarding adults’ issues. Sessions are developed and delivered jointly with members of the SAEB and our Safeguarding Ambassadors. This is a fantastic opportunity to promote and share joint training sessions across our partnership and local communities.
Please click on the links below to access recordings of recent sessions:
- October 2022 – Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) – Lunch & Learn Session – YouTube
- January 2023 – SAEB Lunch & Learn Session – Blue Light Project – YouTube
- June 2023 – SAEB Lunch & Learn Session – Pressure Ulcers – YouTube
- July 2023 – SAEB Lunch & Learn Session – Domestic Abuse and Older People – YouTube
- September 2023 – SAEB Lunch & Learn Session – Domestic Abuse Awareness – YouTube
- October 2023 – SAEB Lunch & Learn Session – Hate Crime – YouTube
- November 2023 – SAEB Lunch & Learn Session – Safeguarding and Self Neglect – YouTube
- December 2023 – SAEB Lunch and Learn Session – Learning from Fatal Fires Thematic Review – YouTube
- March 2024 – SAEB Lunch and Learn Session – Stay with us: preventing suicide together – YouTube
- March 2024 – SAEB Lunch and Learn Session – Modern Slavery in the care sector – YouTube
- December 2024 – SAEB Lunch and Learn Session – Electrical Fire Safety
- January 2025 – SAEB Lunch & Learn Session – Bridging the Gap: Safeguarding together across the Partnership
- February 2025 – SAEB Lunch and Learn Session – Romance Fraud
Our colleagues from the Safeguarding Team in Adult Social Care in the Bi-Borough will be delivering free ‘Safeguarding Adults Awareness’ training over a range of dates in 2024/25.
This half day workshop, delivered via MS Teams is designed for all staff and volunteers who are in contact with adults at risk and work in the Bi-Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster. The course is aimed at those who have not previously attended safeguarding training and need basic safeguarding adults’ awareness.
The course provides attendees with an overview of what adult safeguarding is as set out under the provisions of the Care Act 2014 and supports staff to identify signs and indicators of abuse and neglect and to understand the referral pathway to raise a safeguarding concern.
The session will cover:
- Safeguarding principles and Making Safeguarding Personal
- Responding to safeguarding concerns and undertaking enquiries
- Relevant legislation, policy and procedures – including Care Act duties
- Cooperation, partnership and information sharing
- Learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews.
Course dates for 2025:
- Thursday 22nd May 2025 13:30 – 16:30
- Tuesday 16th September 2025 09:30 – 12:30
- Tuesday 18th November 2025 09:30 – 12:30
Reserve your place via the above links.
The Competency Frameworks below are useful tools for those working in the field of safeguarding adults either in a paid or voluntary capacity, to assess current level of knowledge and skills and to help identify areas for professional development.
Staff, whether in a paid or voluntary capacity, should be trained to the level required by their role, and each organisation is responsible for outlining what that looks like and proving appropriate training.
National Competency Framework for Safeguarding Adults – Concise Version for Employers and Staff (Bournemouth University)
National Competency Framework for Safeguarding Adults – Comprehensive Guide (Bournemouth University)
National Mental Capacity Act Competency Framework.pdf (eastsussexsab.org.uk)
Every Life Matters are pleased to be working with Public Health in Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster to offer a series of free online suicide prevention courses. This training is open to professionals from voluntary and statutory services working with adults in the Bi-Borough, but also to residents and community groups.
For information on the training syllabus and to book your place go to Eventbrite
The training is being offered across three sessions:
- Suicide Alertness – this 3.5 hours session is aimed at anyone who wants to understand more about suicide, how to know when someone may be having thoughts of suicide, how to talk directly and comfortably about suicide, and what we can all do to offer practical support.
- Suicide Awareness – this 1 hour session is aimed at anyone in the local community who wants to understand more about suicide and what we can all do to make a difference.
- Safety Planning – this 2.5 hours session gives you the skills and tools to support an individual to develop their own safety plan. It is suitable for anyone in a support role who has already taken one of our suicide awareness or alertness courses (or similar) and wants to gain further skills in suicide intervention.
Please note that training dates are available for Spring 2023. Further information will follow in due course regarding future training opportunities. For further information, please email [email protected]