What is Emotional/Psychological Abuse?
Examples: threats of harm or abandonment, blackmail, deprivation of contact, humiliation and ridicule, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, isolation, cyber bullying, shouting and swearing, unreasonable support of services or support networks, denial of cultural or religious needs, denial of access to the development of social skills.

Possible Indicators:
Change in appetite, weight loss or gain
Low self esteem
Upset and tearfulness
Confusion and agitation
Avoiding eye contact, withdrawal
Isolation, unable to make contact
Poor hygiene, resulting from restricted access to facilities
Uncharacteristic behaviour
Don’t Ignore It. Report It!
If you suspect a neighbour, friend or family member is being neglected or abused, or you need help yourself:
Report it to the relevant Local Authority or Police.