In order for safeguarding to work effectively we need people to understand what it is, why it’s relevant to them and what they should if they suspect abuse is occurring.
The following videos are produced by our Safeguarding Ambassador’s (who are both residents and service users from the communities of the Bi-borough) and play a key role in raising awareness about what safeguarding is, how to recognise abuse and neglect and what action to take to report concerns.
National Safeguarding Adults Week 2024 – Safeguarding is Everybody’s business – ‘I am someone, please see me’.
The video addresses critical issues affecting adults at risk in our community, focusing on the role and challenges faced by unpaid carers, the importance of Carers Assessments, and the support they can provide, such as financial aid and respite care. It also highlights the need for a Think Family Approach to understand individual circumstances within the family context, professional curiosity to look beyond the surface and understand wider family dynamics, and the importance of early intervention and proactive measures in safeguarding to prevent abuse or neglect.
Permission is granted for this material to be shared widely for educational purposes.
Say No to Abuse: “if you see something that does not feel right, tell someone”
This video from our Safeguarding Ambassadors aims to help everyone understand the different types of abuse, what you can do to protect adults at risk from abuse, what to look for and who to go to talk about any concerns you may have. it is particularly relevant for people working in the Borough, whether paid or a a volunteer and is also a useful resource for all residents to help to raise awareness of Safeguarding Adults.
Safe at Home
Watch these videos to help you stay safe at home. Includes information and advice on fire safety, mail scams, phone scams and doorstep scams.
National Safeguarding Awareness Week 2023 – Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse
This short video from our Safeguarding Ambassadors aims to raise awareness of Domestic Abuse and services available across Kensington & Chelsea, and Westminster. The Angelou is a Partnership of 10 specialist organisations supporting women and girls experiencing domestic or sexual violence. They offer confidential support and advice for those affected by domestic abuse.
National Safeguarding Awareness Week 2022
This year Glenda shared her story about her journey from Service User to Safeguarding Ambassador and to becoming a voice to influence safeguarding for London. This video is scheduled to be shared at various local and National Events during Safeguarding Awareness week 2022. Her video is honest, heartfelt and very inspirational.
National Safeguarding Awareness Week 2021
Safeguarding Ambassadors Shiv and Michael star in this short film showcasing top ten tips to stay safe online.
National Safeguarding Awareness Week 2020
To mark safeguarding awareness week 2020, our residents and service users who are ‘safeguarding experts by experience’ produced this set of video clips highlighting 3 safeguarding situations:
- Community based risks
- Cuckooing
- Domestic Abuse
Adult Safeguarding (BSL)
Adult safeguarding is the process of protecting adults with care and support needs from abuse or neglect. It is an important part of what many public services do, but the key responsibility is with local authorities.
(Social Care and Health have produced a video on Safeguarding Adults in British Sign Language.)
Don’t Ignore It. Report It!
If you suspect a neighbour, friend or family member is being neglected or abused, or you need help yourself:
Report it to the relevant Local Authority or Police.