Don’t Ignore It. Report It!

Mistreated? Bullied? Hit?
Neglected? Hurt? Exploited?

If you are concerned about an adult, please use the following contact details to raise a safeguarding concern. However, if it is an emergency, stay safe and call 999. You can also contact the police on 101 for non-emergency situations.

Concerned neighbour on phone

Kensington and Chelsea

T: 020 7361 3013

E: [email protected]


T: 020 7641 2176

E: [email protected]

Everyone is entitled to live their life in safety without being mistreated, hurt or exploited by others. But some people’s situations may make them less able to protect themselves from harm or mistreatment.

This may happen as people get older or because they have a mental health issue, a disability, a sensory impairment, or some form of illness.

Mistreating someone in this way is known as ‘abuse’. And if someone fails to properly look after another person in their care, this is known as ‘neglect’. Both abuse and neglect of people are never acceptable.

The Bi-borough of Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster takes the abuse of people very seriously, we will listen to your concerns and give you a prompt response.

Abuse is a term used to describe the mistreatment of people. This page is about abuse of people who are over 18.

What is Think Family?
Think Family means securing better outcomes for adults, children and families by coordination the support and delivery of services from all organisations. Neither adults or children exist in isolation and Think Family aims to promote the importance of a whole-family approach.

The basis of a Think family approach is to:
Identify families at risk of poor outcomes to provide support at the earliest opportunity.
Meet the full range of needs within each family they are supporting or working with.
Develop services which are trauma-informed and can respond to multiple disadvantage and challenges faced by families.
Strengthen the ability of family members to provide care and support to each other.

The SAEB is working closely with the Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) to support and embed the Think Family approach across the service.

Consideration should always be given as to whether anyone else is at risk. This may include children or other adults with care and support needs.

Should there be a concern that a parent/carer may be neglecting or harming children in their care, concerns must be reported to Children’s’ Social Care – see the Local Safeguarding Children Partnership on how to contact them.